Vegetable Au-gratin

Its a popular baked dish. Calorie rich packed with lots of vegetables in white sauce. Here's what you'll need:

2 tbsp Refined Flour (Maida)
1 tbsp Butter
150 ml Milk
100 gm carrots (cubed)
100 gm Peas
100 gm Potatoes (Cubed)
100 gm Cauliflower
Salt to taste
white/black pepper powder to taste
60 gm (3 cubes) Grated Cheese

1. Boil the vegetables till half cooked ( I cook them in the microwave with 100 ml water and little salt for about 5-6 mins.).Drain and keep water.
2. Preheat Oven.
3. In a pan, heat butter, add refined flour and let it cook for 2 mins on low flame, while stirring. It should be golden in colour.
4. Add milk, slowly, keeping the flame low. Stir well and let it thicken.
5. Add salt & pepper and whisk to remove lumps.
6. Add boiled vegetables and mix well. Check the consistency of the sauce. It should coat the vegeatbles. If you think sauce is very thick,then add little water (drained from the vegetables).
7. Grease a baking dish/tin and put vegetable mixture in it.
8. Cover with grated cheese.
9. Bake at 205c for 15 mins. Cheese topping should be golden brown in colour.
10.Serve hot and enjoy it with a glass of your favourite wine :)


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